The Toronto Police Vs Communism:
Why a Trans-Flag Toronto Police Cruiser Going Viral Matters

Simon Esler’s Substack: SIMON ESLER AND BREAKAWAYUSAMAY 02, 2024 It’s pretty odd living in an area of the world that keeps going viral for abhorrent reasons, however, I don’t find it stressful. It’s weirdly entertaining and extremely informative for understanding the war I’m living through. But let’s consider for a second how this is different from someone scrolling social media and seeing video after video of how woke Toronto has become. If you scroll the comments of these videos people are saying: “Disgusted.” “Canada is an embarrassment.” “Shameful.” They are outraged, and understandably so. But imagine if, every time I encountered a wokism in Toronto I was outraged? I would be living my life in constant dysregulation. Living in a city regularly used as a symbol of political division and internet outrage is sobering because daily life with the same things is nowhere near as dramatic, because that’s not a sustainable way for me to operate. That doesn’t mean, however, that whatever is going viral is inconsequential. That doesn’t mean that these viral videos are merely uplifted by the hype of political cheerleading. It doesn’t mean we should “Ignore it and stay positive!” They matter. But how? A new and dangerous form of warfare is unfolding right before our eyes, taking advantage of divisiveness itself. We need to strike a balance between exposing this corruption to the masses and using these viral moments to cultivate situational awareness rather than politically driven outrage. Toronto Police have gone viral on at least three separate occasions in recent times. First, there was the video shared by Canadian freedom fighter Rob Primo in which the police admitted they simply allow adults to expose themselves to children during Pride “Season.” The laws just slip away into the rainbow void! Following this was the recent announcement that citizens of Toronto should leave the key fob for their cars available and near their front door to minimize the chance of car thieves killing them. This was soon compared to a 2022 announcement by an American officer in Florida publicly requesting that armed citizens shoot thieves and robbers themselves. The latest example is a viral clip of a Toronto Police Cruiser decorated with a trans flag, with a dissenting citizen asking : “Are you guys cops or you just identify as cops?” I wanted to address this beyond the screams of the online outrage machine and the drama of the right shoving these viral clips in the left’s face, the left inevitably crying “bigotry!!” or “thinly veiled hate!!” or “stochastic terrorism!!” These changes in my community need sober assessment through the lens of the war itself. While politics has a time and place, if we use all these hot-button issues to make creative tension between the left and the right impossible then we are all losing. I believe in a meaningful dialogue about whether or not we want communism to be the foundational model for our society. I believe there are a lot of people on…

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